just so you know they will be doing Toy Story 1&2 again in 3D so look out for both of them.
anyway last week i went to see Toy Story 3D with Emily and Lauren, i really enjoyed seeing the old movie in 3D but i couldn't help but notice the mistakes in animation that i didn't notice back then.......now i know it was made back in 1995 and the world of 3D animation was new, but these are mistakes that i feel a runner in the animation company wouldn't make.
now these ain't big mistakes but but where massively noticeable on the big screen like knee popping, foot sliding and ever so slight amounts of robotic lib movement.
to be honest i wish i hadn't gone to see it as it kinda destroyed the childhood memories that i had of the movie and the magic it gave me, now like i said i know it was made in 1995 when 3d animation was new and it was the best things around back then and im looking at it and comparing it to the newer movies and i know i shouldn't but i find it hard not to.
but anyway i feel i have to stop talking about it now as i really need to start talking about UP, plus i feel that the more i think about it the more im going to lose my love for the movie.
So UP, it was AMAZING ! ! ! ! !
The movie is all about the dream of one young boy and the love of his life to travel to Paradise Fall's, a land lost in time...........the sad things is the dream they both share isn't possible till many many many years later.
The graphics in the movie where amazing and the story was one of the best stories from Pixar so far, the thing that i find with Pixar is that they always seem to be able to grab there audience within the first 15 minutes of the movie and this is something i love about them as this something i need to learn how to do and i know that if i ever got the chance to work with anyone in the industry i would be able to do thins like that.
click here
So whats the movie about?
well, the movie is all about Carl Fredricksen, a young shy boy who finds common interests with a young girl and soon falls in love with her.
there goal in life is to travel to Paradise Falls and build a house next to the falls and live there forever, sadly through out there lives there savings have to be spent on things needed in there life such as new tires for the car, doctor bills and other things.
before they can ever make it Paradise Falls Carls loving wife dies and he becomes a loner, not wanting to talk to anyone outside of his house.
some years after the death of his wife the street he lives on is put under construction and the companies in charge try and take away the house him and his late wife built together.
to stop this he decides to uplift his house (literally) and go to Paradise Falls just as he promised he would but not before we are introduces to a young wilderness adventurer by the name of Russell, Carl discovers that Russell is on house as it takes off and they go on there fantastic journey.
through out the film they meet strange and wonderful creatures and someone that Carl has always wanted to meet but not anymore.

anyway i dont want to kill the movie for you guys, if you really want to know more about the movie check out the Wiki page HERE or even better go to the movie, i mean it when i say that its FANTASTIC movie and one that i will be remembering for many years to come.
one last thing before i go, if you do go to the Cinema to see it you might be in look to see the new Pixar Short "Partly Cloudy"

anyway check it out.....i'll leave you to find out about that one by going to the Cinema and hope you enjoy.......hopefully i will be on time next week and also i will have some scans up that i want to show you guys so talk to you all then.
well bye for now and keep on keeping on ^_^
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