Well ye sorry for the long overdue blog posts on both animation and personal diaries, its been a very busy month with FYP and CCA.
As i have a rubbish memory as many of you know i can't really remember everything that has happened the last month but i can let you know where i am with my CCA.
So in CCA (Creative Character Animation) we have split off into groups which is very different to the way course was taught last year and to be honest it much much better due to it, instead of sitting in a plain old lecture theater and listening to someone ramble on for a hour we now have a new room with sofas and stools and colors and so on that we use. because of this change it feel much more like an animation studio instead of a university and it just makes it better.
Now we all bounce ideas of each other and see what everyone thinks about them instead of just sitting at a desk and working alone, this means that we are learning more as we have the support and help of the students around us.
Anyway, so ye we split off into groups and we had to come up with a script for a voice clip that we would then record at a later date.
The voice clip at to be the same for everyone in the group but then we could come up with different scenarios for it.
Ours ended up being, "Ok i know this looks bad but, give me a minute and i'll explain". This script we felt was very open and could be used for a lot of things (sadly most of them not suitable for University projects) so we went off and come up with a scene each for the script and then the idea was that we would go to the green screen studio and record the acting of the animation under the supervision and teaching of James Harris and some else that i am sad to say i can't remember the name of (sorry if you are reading this at all). So ye, once the action had been recorded we could then start work on developing it to our needs.
Sadly i didn't feel that the acting choice i had done didn't work as well as i wanted it to so i ended up changing the idea by the take it came for James to return to do the Voice Acting.
As James is such an awesome guy though he said that if i contacted him about a time and day he will try and get back in and do a little acting session for me so that i have new footage to work from.
Im just waiting on Mark (head of green screen dep) to get back to me about a time that i will be able to do the recording so that i can then get in touch with James.
So, now i have footage that im not goin to be using a script that has changed so much since it was written and a some voice clips that are out of this world.
so basically on the right track ^_^
Now as any of you may or may not know i have been getting things sorted with my FTP (Final Year Project), well great new guys the site is up and running and there are load of images and updates on there already for you guys.
basically the FYP is about a circus high dive act but just read through what is one there and you will learn a load more about it.
Just go to http://www.thedive-animation.blogspot.com and you can even sign up to the automatic emails so that when i update my blog you get updated ^_^
(please not that i dont think it will update you if i simply change and old post with new information but im not sure when i know i will let you know ^_^.
anyway thats it for now and hopefully i will get back into the swing of things and back onto my old update every sunday idea.
well bye for now and thanks for reading
oh and there will be more updates coming as i have been asked to update my blog with my CCA work as it is done so there will be a new section in the Topics section called CCA just for my Creative Character Animation work, so keep and eye out for it.
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Hey Monkey Boy,
I know what you mean about being off the radar for a while. It seems like you've been really busy, though, and that's great! This new project you're working on seems like it would be really fun, and I laughed at the dialogue you chose. I hope things turn out swell for you.
Oh, by the way, I finished my senior film. If you have some free time, swing by my blogspot and have a look see. I'd really love your feedback. :)
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