The first video is from class 4 and covered Straight Ahead Action & Pose-to-Pose action....for straight ahead the task was the have a ball going around the boxes with a keyframe at every 5th frame, this was a really fluid motion between the boxes but there was no structure an the spead of the ball was hard to control.
For pose-to-pose the task was to have a key every time the ball was between the boxes, then to go back and add the breakdowns, this offered a lot more control but there was no fluidity in the motion.
The third one wasn't ask for but i thought i would try and incorporate the 2 different styles to produce a more fluid motion but with a structure to it.
Video Link
The next practical class was class 5 covered Follow Through and Overlapping Action, the task was to animate a 3 bone FK chain across a sinewave, although the bone chain i used was IK it gave the same result....the reason for using IK over FK was because i wasn't sure on how to create a FK chain in Maya as i've not done any rigging in this package before, but i may return to this task again when i figure FK out :)
The animation has keys on each and every frame from 1 - 60 with exception of the first root of the bone chain which only has keys on 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60.
Video Link
Now as for the code......during last week when i was using the code i would get an error message after 2 minutes if the button wasn't pressed....this error message would be to say that AppleScript has timed out and the script would no longer work until it ran again.
to fix this small bug i've increased the time span on both of the scripts to 10 hours, this means that if the script where to go off but you where away from your computer for a couple of hours (or 10) then the script would still work when you got back to press the button to accept the task or not.
If you are already using my script then please head over to the page and copy the new one making changes where needed just like before....alternatively if you wish to just add the changes yourself then its quite simple.
For the script before the first line of the script add..
with timeout of 36000 seconds
The number can be changed to anything you like just know that it works in seconds, so 36000 seconds is 10 work it out yourself for your own time scale the math is easy 60*60*X=(number of seconds) (x is hours wanted)
Then in that same script on the very bottom line after everything else add...
end timeout
Now just save changes and that one script done.
The next one (the Task script) is a little harder....same principle of just adding those 2 lines of code but they have to be in the right place. So first add the following line just under the second result line.
with timeout of 36000 seconds
so if you have kept the script the same as my example script in the original blog post it would look like this....
if result is 8 then
with timeout of 36000 seconds
tell application "Finder"
Once you have done that scroll down to the bottom of the script and add the following just above the second end if...
end timeout
So the last 3 times of the code should be like this....
end timeout
end if
end if
If you've done everything write (and if i've explained it well enough) then the script should perfectly and you should also now have a 10 hour gap between it activating and it timing out.
If you have any questions about this or anything else please feel free to comment below and i will get back to you asap :)
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