So as for my script i wrote, its working but the variable has been 2 high.....when i tested it using iCal to run the script every 5 minutes for 1 hour i was given a task 70% of the time which was perfect but in practical over the week it has only generated one task and which was a drawing yesterday i changed the random number selection to pic from 1-5 this way i have a 2 in 5 change of getting a task so over the next week it will work a lot better (hopefully), if nothing comes up by Tuesday I will set it lower and if then nothing comes up by Friday i will either activate it myself each day or look into why its not working. (could have something to do with iCal but im not sure, but the script is perfect in regards to its construction and it works like a charm in test).
Anyway....back to the classes, so as i said most of the classes have been focused on looking at reference footage and studying the movements of brake-dancing to understand better squash and stretch, this was a great class as for a long time i always associated squash and stretch with the deformation of mass to give an unusual and impossible form, but this study showed me that we squash and stretch in all aspects of our movement. One of the physical exercises i did was to hop forward on 1 leg, this was to show that when the leg bends that is a squash position and when it straightens out to propel me forward that was the stretch position....then i was asked to try and hop forward without the bending of my leg (the squash) and it was virtually impossible, it was at this point i realized that there is squash and stretch in all aspects of animation and i'll be remembering this and looking for it a lot more when doing my own animations.
Next class focused on Anticipation and how it's a fundamental of movement which is why its a principle of animation, this class one a practical one and i had to animate a ball going across the screen over 5 frames, i attempted this several times but with it only being 5 frames it was moving to fast to make anything out so i changed it to 12 frames so that it registered on screen and i could focus on what was happening.
This is one of the only videos that would upload to YouTUBE but as soon as i work out whats different between this one and the others i'll be sure to either update this post with the new videos or create a new post with them one.
The great thing about these classes is that it gives you real work examples to help bring across the principle, like with anticipation the example was given of punching someone in the face (a violent example granted but one that helped explain it very well), if i was to just straighten my arm out it wouldn't course much damage but if i was to move the fist in the opposing direction first then it would have a lot more force behind it. So with an anticipation it gives the movement a lot more power then without.
Although these things i have studied many times before, since i neglect to go over them time and time again i tend to forget them but with this new class scheduled im really getting back on my feet.
Classes this week covered the importance of staging and how the classic comedic movie stars such as Charlie Chaplin and Laurel and Hardy would stage things in such a way that it was noticeable and registered by the audience without it needing shoved in your face, this is something that lends its self to staging in animation and studying these greats i have got a better understanding of what it takes to create stronger staging.
The rest of the classes required practical work (which are the ones i haven't been able to upload), such as Straight Ahead & Pose-To-Pose and Follow Trough & Overlapping these classes i was asked to move a ball around 4 boxes in a straight ahead fashion and then do the same again using pose to pose, each of these has there advantages and disadvantages but for me i have been using a combination of the 2 for a few years now and its the way i like to work but to go back to one or the other for this task was a fun exercise that took me back to the basics and really helped. As for follow through and overlapping action i was told to create a 3 bone chain and animate the movement of it along the image of a sinewave (imaged below) as this was a great start to understanding overlapping action, this is something that will be gone over in a lot more detail in future classes.

like i said, i will be changing the script i wrote and to see if i can make it happen more often then 1 time in a week and i'll upload the videos to the blog once i've got them working on YouTUBE.
As kind of a Animation Spotlight thing i would like to mention some really great tutorials online for you to use and check out, i found these on YouTUBE during my daily hunt and thought you might like to check them out as well.
firstly we have an animation student at Animation Mentor called Matthew Hamilton who is doing a Tips and Tricks class in Maya, every few days (sometimes a little longer) he's uploading a tutorial video going over useful tips and tricks that you can use in Maya such as the Animation Reference System which i was unaware of until recently, he takes you step by step through it all and makes it very easy to follow.
His Art Blog:
His YouTUBE Channel:
and here is a video just to show you what i mean....
The other YouTUBER i wanted to mention is LearnMaya1 who does really nice tutorials on character animation going through blocking poses out from start to finish and in the future they will be moving onto other passes of animation.
LearnMaya1 Website:
LearnMaya1 YouTUBE:
Finally a video i came across of industry animators Ronnie Williford and Frank Gabriel teaching Timing for Animation and Animating Dialog, these videos are part of the PowerHouseAnim Channel which has a load of other really great lessons on there that i strongly suggest checking out.
Ronnie Williford - Timing for Animation:
Frank Gabriel - Animating Dialog:
1 Last thing before i go, for those looking to do life drawing but classes aren't in your local area or they are but just cost to much, there is a free 24 hour trail at this great site that offers videos of models in different poses but the best thing is that the videos revolve around the model 360o degrees so you can pause and draw then play find another position you like and then pause and draw again. the free trial offers 2 different models to draw from a female model called Charlotte and a male model called Costa, they pull some really great poses and offer you a lot to draw from.
all you need to do for the trial is enter your email address and your done...after you will have 24 hours members access to the site, and if you feel that its worth it (which it is in my opinion) you can subscribe for as little as $6.
Check it out: (there is a sample video on the site so you can see what you get)
and if you still want more then i would suggest checking out this video by Sycra who goes over some life drawing in Photoshop just showing you there process, check out there main channel as well as there are a load of great videos to study from.
Sycra Life Drawing Video:
Sycra Channel:
Anyway, thats it guys and gals....i hope you all have a great week and i'll talk to you again soon :)
Very informative blog great
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