Photo by: Matthew Robert Davies
So today was the Eric Goldberg Masterclass and it was AMAZING, i took soooooo many notes during the class and also got a audio recording of the class for the stuff i might have missed out.
the majority of the morning class was extracts from his book, pretty much word for word which i felt might have been useful to people that hasn't read it before but for people like me that have ready it multiple times (and also last night before bed) it was useful but nothing new.
After the dinner break we moved into looking at the line art from the Princess and the Frog, this was a great treat for all of us. The detail of Louis (the Alligator) was fantastic......and how the character was developed before the animation started was great to look at.
With me currently working on Cerebus i hope to use the techniques i have learnt today about timing, spacing, overlapping, etc to improve the current blocking work and move it further along.
At the end of the session there was a massive scramble for the sketches on notepad that Eric has been drawing on......sadly i didn't manage to get one of the detailed drawings but i did manage to get one of the simpler sketches.

One of the coolest things i managed to get today was my Animation Crash Course book signed.....but not only did he sign it but he also draw a picture it it for me.
I gave him my book and he asked "who do i make it out to" and of course i said Monkey (which he thought i had said Monty but i corrected him) so not only did i get my book signed with my nickname, the drawing he did (which he was doing in everyones book) was customized for me as he drew a Abu Genie......instead of a standard Genie (although standard genie would of been awesome as well).....which ROCKS ! ! !

These are some photos from today.......
Photos by: Matthew Robert Davies

i know it doesn't seem like i have wrote much about today but im still on a bit of a hype from it all so my mind wont focus on one thing......going to go try and animate now.
bye bye guys and gals.
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