firstly, as many of you know my and Adam are starting to work on getting everything sorted for our company, hopefully we'll be able to get this on the roll by the end of January but it might be a little later as learning Blender is taking some time.
but the outlook is still go so i will keep you posted on far through we do have great character design for our short and i hope to bring that to you soon ^^
In other news the people from the Cerebus Animation have contacted me with the new version of the rig, i haven't had a chance to look at it yet due to other commitments but if all goes well and i can learn Maya (in my free time) there is a chance i might be able to work on the animation again.
So.....the other day i decided that i was sick and tired off all my tutorials scattered over several folders under names such as "Untitled Folder" and "Folder 1" so i went through it and reorganized it all.

Now there was a lot of tutorials and i didn't know exactly how many till i did a size check on the main folder 290.16GB........soooooo many tutorials, most of which i have never looked at or known about till i organized it :P
i mean hell....24,741 items organized was a heck of a job.....but soooo worth it ^_^
so ye i sorted all that out and now i have an actual structure to my folders meaning that if i want to learn about Rigging in Maya i simply going to....
Tutorials - 3D Tutorials - Rigging - Maya - then which ever tutorial i want ^^

yeeeeeeeeeeeey for organization ^_^
So back on my title suggests i've been getting creative over the last few days, i started sketching out designs for custom t-shirts, these are just some ideas i had and though hmmmmmm that might look good on a t-shirt :)
so the first one i did was for Emily who asked for it for Xmas so i though hey why not :)

After i had done this one all sorts of other ideas started popping into my head so as soon as they did i drew them out......these are what i came up with.

So these are the ones i have come up with so far and i hope to have more done soon but for now im going to spend the majority of my time looking for actual jobs and learning Blender ^_^
so till next time peeps, keep creative ^_^
I don't think you should put the fact you're pirating tutorials on the internet... just saying.
Thankfully around 85% of them are now legit ones :)
taking me a while but im getting there :)
Where did you get all the money from? Did you rob a bank? LOL
if i had i would have my own animation company set up in america :P
nor, a LOAD of my tutorials are free ones such as Samples Videos, Deviant Art tutorials and a MASSIVE amount of videos from forums like XSI Base, Blender Nation etc ^^
thes ones from digital tutors i got with student loans (when i had them) and same with i just need around £1200 and i've got the rest sorted :P
so ye my next move is to rob that bank.....fancy helping me out :) lol
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