hey all, nothing really much has happened this week with my animations, as i said last week i stopped my classes with DJ until i caught up with the lesson and now i have i can't get hold of him to start them up again so im stuck until i can talk to him again. but then again he is on holiday and i just really hope that he's having the time of his life instead of thinking about the course or Community im looking after it the best i can, love having Admin Access i feel important.
so if i haven't been animating what have i been doing, right? well i've been working on my stuff for FYP next year. as i have NEVER rigged a character before im finding it really hard to do and the worst thing is that i can't find any tutorials online for rigging in XSI, there are LOADS for Maya and Max but virtually ZERO for XSI and its killing me. thankfully i have a lot of really good mates offering to help me out best they can with finding me links and righting up tutorials for me so it better then it has been but its still really really hard to do as i find working from video tutorials so much easier for me with me not being able to read that well (although writing these blogs are helping with my Dyslexia) so videos are the best thing at this time.
at least i have the modelling all done for the character, still have the entire environment and the other creature in the animation but it is only a small creature so it shouldn't be to hard just the wings that might be the hardest, i know im being very vage here but im trying to keep as much or it as i can under my hat until i get the go ahead from uni that i can do it otherwise it would be something i would like to take on as a personal project later on in my life and i dont want someone else doing it before i get a chance to, i know that there are no original ideas out there anymore and if there are then they are only going to be bad ones but its an idea that is exciting to be conceptually and i feel it will be a good animation that might be a strong foundation on finding a job so i want to keep it as a possibility for me to do.
so ye thats it really as i said REALLY hot much else has happened, i think more has happened in my normal life then it has in my animation life and i thought that was the other way round until i finished writing my Diary Blog so check that out if you want to.
anyway i think im going to go as there really isn't much more but before i do i just want to say that i have uploaded some images to my Portfolio Blog more will be coming but i will keep you informed of when that happens, just click on the images tab and they will be there also i've added a download showreel option to my showreel if you're interested in downloading at at all (dont know why you would but still) so please enjoy my site.
hope you all have a great week to come and also have had a great week just gone, i'll talk to you all soon (with more to talk about next time hopefully), keep on animating.
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