really has it been that long since i was lost on this thing, im on summer holidays now so i should be able to keep up with the updates but if not i will give myself a good kicking up the backside.
anyway whats been happening, well in my world of animation not much really, i've been working on DJ Nicke's course over the last 2 weeks and also modelling my character for next year, i cant show any of the production work yet as its very hush hush but when i can i will have a full Blog dedicated to it a lot like i did for The Button animation, speaking of the button animation if anyone was following that and wondering what happened to it there was a standstill in the production due to time issues but as i have 2 months left and a lot of time i will be finishing that animation off along with the CCA animation that wasn't finished (the wonderful life one) so keep an eye out for them, i hope that i haven't lost any readers with me not updating for such a long time but would you please leave a comment with a simple "hi" or "yo" or "still here" just so i know who is still following me.
but as i said keep an eye out for the animations mentioned and the new short animation in production at the moment and there will be a full blog for that so it will be quick and easy to keep track of the updates.
so i think that is all of it for now as i have a rubbish memory and have forgotten most of what has happened over the last months but now i have time there WILL be a update every Sunday without fail also i may be starting a VBlog but that is something i am thinking about and it isn't a 100% idea at the moment as i get very shy but we'll see what happens, anyway till next Sunday keep well, keep safe and keep animating.
bye all
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