hey guys well another week as gone bye and i must say its been a good one.
in my little word of animation a lot has happened, firstly i have been sketching like crazy with images for my Final Year Project and i must say that they are looking quite good (if i do say so myself ^_^), i forgot to say last week but i have modeled and rigged my character for next year but sadly after i had enveloped it i had all manners of issues so i have gone back to the drawing board hence the many drawing.
if you are interested in seeing my progression through my animation next year i will be setting up another blog for it like i did for last years project (The Button).
as well as sketching i have been trying to get through my 100's upon 100's of animation tutorials and 10's upon 10's of animation books, i would be further ahead with them but i have been very busy with my non-animation life (house hunting). so sadly i haven't got through as many as i would have liked to but i will continue to work on them as best as i can till i get through them all and have a much better understanding of animation and the processes before the animation stage.
i guess you could say i saved the best till last and also this is the reason for the late reply.
last night was the Animation Mentor Free Webinar with Don Hahn and Bobby Beck, it was an AMAZING, i felt so luck to be watching and listening to these god's (well in my eyes they are) Don had fantastic information about animation and you could really tell that Bobby was in awe of Don and its totally understandable but he really did seem like a little school girl that has just met her favorite Boyzone Member.
but as i said it was amazing and i look forward to any feature Free Webinars, if you missed this one or any of the others you can find them all at Animation Mentor Webinar, currently last nights is not on there as they need time to edit, compress and upload it but it is scheduled to be online on the 20th July so keep checking back as it is well worth checking out.
well thats all i have for now guys but as i said before keep checking back as there will be changes made to this blog as im getting tired of the current look and i think it time to get with the current style sheet so i'll be working on a new one in my free time.
anyway bye for now guys and speak to you all soon.
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