this week real lessons started and my course work has started also, firstly in Digital Character Animation we where shown the rig that we are going to be using in the assignments but i feel that i might just use the one i've been using that Orrie has on his blog as i like that one much more, but until i get to play with the character rig my lecturer has made i can't say anything for certain, but as for the sound clips im not to happy with them to be honest, i know that its all about the animation and not about the sound clip but these are peaces of work i want to one day put on my show reel and they all have music in the background of them as there all taken from trailers.
this is one of the sound clips from last year with the same character that i will be using by one of Teessides students called Robert, sadly i don't know his last name.
As well as Creative Character Animation i have been given some assignments from other classes these include Studio Practice & Business this assignment is to create a business plan and work through the process till me and my group member Steffen Morris have a full business that includes products(can't mention anything about it at this point). So far i have done a lot of research into the idea we have had and i have meeting with him tomorrow (13th October 2008) to discuss the idea into detail and finalize some things that may or may not need changing.
Also i was give a task in Drawing and Composition 3 where i had to draw a woman or man at a checkout of a super market and they have lost there debt or credit card so this is what i submitted as my work.

this is what my lecturer did to it, as he said that even though he wanted A3 he said that we didn't have to full the full page so he folded it so that it covered most of my image till it got to this point.

for the next task we have to draw all 12 signs of the zodiac i will upload them when i draw them or when i have some sketches down.
i will be updating soon with a little luck to tell you all how things are going.
bye for now
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