hey guys well week 1 is over and its looking good so far, like i mentioned in my last post Digital Character Animation is going to be amazing and a lot like Animation Mentor by the sounds of it from what they have been saying, but as well as Digital Character i also have Studio Practice & Business which seems like something that im not going to be to interested in at the moment but there are talking about getting people in the business to talk to all of us about how to get into the industry and how to start a business that wont go under after the first 3 months like a lot of them when they start up, as well as that i also have Drawing and Composition 3 which sounds like its going to be focused on fine art which dont get me wrong i love to go to art galleries to viewing all the fantastic paintings, sculptures and installations but im not someone that gets much enjoyment in creating fine art.
Even though the course has just started we have given a nice little task to do for our next tutorial session, the task is to draw a woman that has lost her dedit card so that should be fun because he never specified what style we have to do it in, so im going to do a cartoon style drawing with a woman with a HUGE bum for the LOL's.
but i'll be scanning and uploading my stuff as i do it, so keep checking or to make i easier just subscribe to my blog and get all the updates without having to check.
I have a feeling im really going to like this years course and after talking to my Personal Mentor for this year im hoping that i will come out of this course with a great show reel but of course to make sure that the work is good enough i will also be uploading my work to 11SecondClub to get there feedback and expertise as well.
anyway its like 5:30 in the morning here and i still ain't been to sleep as one of my house mates have just come home and they are wasted and can hardly stand up and now there singing outside the window so i shall say good night to all you guys and i will be uploading soon, with a little luck i will have my full timetable next week and i'll be uploading to here so that you guys can see what the course is all about in 3rd year.
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