well lets start with the news i got first in the day ^^
well James from Arcus Studios got in contact with me today about the project i'll be helping on.....as before i need to keep schtum about the name of the project and what its all about but i have my first scene they want me to work on so im going to be starting that tonight (as soon as i make some room in my bedroom and install ToonBoom Animate) an should have it done quite soon as i really dont see it being to much work really.
but ye im really looking forward to helping out on this one and i can't wait to see it all finished.....also they told me that as soon as they get there full site up and running, whatever is on the site i can class as public knowledge meaning i can mention anything i worked on and also anything that i think is AWESOME that they have done........REALLY WANTING TO SHOW YOU ALL ONE IN PARTICULAR......but we'll have to wait :D
so ye thats the first AWESOME news..........the other thing is AWESOME news for Softimage XSi (7.5, 2010 & 2011) users. as of today we finally have...
wait for it................................
Can i get a scream for......................MooM 4.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes thats right people, Maya have had this for way to long and it about time we had it as well......a great guy by the name of Andreas Böinghoff has taken the MooM mesh and with the help of some tutorials and scripts he's ported it over to XSi.
As many people like me will say.....this is a great day for the XSi Community.
He mentioned that he had done this on XSiBase.com a while ago but i didn't want to mention it to you guys until it was definitely happening and it doesn't get any more definite then a Download Link!!!
so here is the links you will need!!!!
Download Link - http://www.andy-arbeit.de/rd/MooM4.rar
Read all about Moom 4.0 - http://andy-arbeit.de/moom4.html
XSi Base Discussion - MoomXSi 4.0
And also Andreas' site link....granted i've done it already but he deserves as many mentions as humanly possible for doing this.
Andreas Böinghoff Woooohooooo!!!!!
and also great work from Ramtin Ahmadi for creating the MooM mesh in the first place.....its a fantastic peace of work and i have always wanted to work with it but sadly never had the chance until now ^^
and remember if your a Maya user so can still download MooM 4.0 for free at CreativeCrash.com
so get to animating guys and i will talk to you all soon ^^
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