I got some information from Arcus Studios the other day, the short i was helping them out with was meant for Virgin Media Shorts but because the deadline for it was today and there is about 5-6 weeks left till the project will be finished its not going to be entered.
On the upside it will be used in competitions later in the year most likely so you'll all still get to see it when its done and uploaded ^^
I'll still be helping them out and also popping through to there new studio and working with them, so its all good when you think about it. ^^
In other news, i have made a tutorial on how i created the coloring for the sheep in a field image.
A follower of my blog requested this and i hope that it helps you out whoever you may be.....also sorry for the sound quality in parts, i had a lot of trouble getting things right with video and uploading it has been a nightmare but finally here it is :)
remember to comment on if you like it or want any other videos doing and i'l see what i can do...........Enjoy!

So i hope you enjoyed that video and it was help to some people, any questions just ask and i'll get back to you as soon as i can.
This was very interesting!
BTW this is PicklePeyton...
My tablet doesn't really agree with Photoshop.
Oddly enough, I use my mouse more than the tablet.
@Anonymous/Pickle :P
glad you found it interesting, if you would like something else going over let me know and i'll do my best.
@Messiah's Cheerfulness
which tablet are you using? sometimes its just a case of old drivers.
if you feel that working with a mouse is better for you it might be worth sticking with it but i would still suggest trying to get your tablet working again and practicing with that as well because i found that my work speed increased so much.
either way i hope you found this little tutorial of some help and interest to you, if you are interested in learning anything else just let me know and i'll see if i can get a tutorial done for it.....(if i know about it that is :P)
Oh goodness. It has begun. First the internet, then the world.
Great tutorial, MB. You were very thorough. :)
It was kinda hard to hear you. :S
I look forward to the next one! :D
^_^ hopefully that will be the case.......i like the sound of MonkeyFish Productions :p
i tried my best to make it as simple as possible but found myself going off on tangents at times :)
ye im sorry about the sound quality in places....as i said it was a nightmare trying to get it compressed to a size that would upload.....
serves me right for recording it on my 22 HD Monitor......compressing 1080p down to fit on YouTube or Vimeo but trying to keep the picture quality is very hard to do....in the end the sound had to suffer.
glad you like it though.....i actually dont know what to do for a next one so if you have any ideas let me know ^^
Go team Monkeyfish!
It was interesting to hear what you sound like. Hehe. I don't think you'll understand me if you ever hear me talk. :P
And tangents are the best part! My teachers went off on tangents all the time, and we learned more from those than in the class! :D
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeey ^^ Team Monkeyfish will be sooo awesomely epic that Pixar will bow down to us :)
(well we can dream they will anyway lol)
ye i sound horrible......i no longer have an accent as its a bit of EVERYTHING so its just a mess :p
would be interested to hear what you sound like though.......im sure i w would understand you perfectly :)
tangents are a lot of fun.........sadly its also a lot more file size to compress and upload :p
we where just lucky if we learnt ANYTHING at all in class :( oh well self teaching is always a option :)
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