To get my mind onto other things i decided to design a couple of badges for Animation Salvation.....they still need to be run past DJ Nicke but i think that he'll be cool about them.
I wanted to have one for the people who took part in the Guardian program and one for the members of the site.
These needed to be different but not so different that they dont look like there from the same site, i thought about military medals and what they looked like and what made them different and unique but at the same time kept them part of the same force (army, navy, air force, etc...)
These are the what i came up i said still need to be run past DJ..

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If your interested in one of these badges (well what ever the final design is i mean) then head over to Animation Salvation and sign up for your free account on the community.
Update: 27/05/2010 - 12:45pm
After some rethinking and some suggestions i have revised the look of the badges.....i made the back star plate smaller so that it doesn't look to much like there is a lot going on.
These still haven't been ran by DJ as i've not been able to get hold of him but when i do i will let you know what he says.

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Hey, MB. How are things. I like the last three columns. The third column in particular appeals to me the most. For some reason, the first column looks a bit over the top, like you tried to put a lot of stuff in at once. I like that "oldie" look in the last column.
Thanks for the comments hun.
Ye i was opting for the oldie looking ones as well......i've not been able to get hold of DJ yet so i've not run them past him but i hope he signs off on them ones.
I know what you mean about the first one looking like there is to much going on......i think its the color of the logo that does it.
I've just updated them in this post.....
I like them all MB!
I say we put them all on the website and let each member choose for themselves.
Great work mi amigo!
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