Well i've sadly missed a lot of my classes this week due to this damn DC3 project (12 signs of the Zodiac) so if any of my lectures are reading this (especially Chris Wyatt) i am very sorry that i have missed your classes it just that i have been working so hard on these drawings from Herb Wiersma, i dont think he realizes that we have a load more to do for other classes, i mean at the end of the day i want to be a Character Animator not a concept artist or illustrator so i hardly care about DC3 but i need it to pass the course and i need it to be good to get the mark i want (a first) its just that there taking so long to do.
I just want to quite DC3 and work on Character Animation so much, but anyway there nothing i can really do so i'll just have to pull through it, but anyway i have done a lot of the zodiac signs so far just need to do the touch ups that Herb has asked me to do and i guess im finished with them, u still need to do Sagittarius and Gemini but but here are the ones i have so far.
let me know what you think please as it means a lot to me.

When i did the Leo the Lion i had the idea of using a thick line with the opacity down, i feel this gives it a better look and style to the images that i like a lot and so do a lot of other people. so i might do this with the other images to give them a better look and style.
My friend Sarah Lee has done some fantastic images for this project, the guest lecturer that came in on Friday told her that she should sell her work, so i think she is going to, i hope she does because her work is amazing and everyone should have something made by her. she was kind enough to give me 2 images that she made (the Tiger and the Monkey, once again these are amazing).
so ye thats whats been happening at University really, Emily (my girlfriend) went to an Anime convention on Friday morning with the guys from Anicom, she said that she had fun there and she bought a load of cool things including something for me but i can't get it till Christmas :(, but i've been guessing and i dont know what it could be yet. I went to Greasby (down south, outside Liverpool) to see one of my best friends Ellie Chandler for her birthday, we went to a pub called The Railway and i met her friend Jenna who was so kind and bought all the meals and the drinks i was shocked that someone that i had only just met payed for my food and everything, (Ellie if your reading this tell her thank you again for me) then we went to her Ellie's dads and i met him and her brother Nick and some lad that was there (think it was Nicks friend), Nick had so many guitars i couldn't help but play it, so he plugged it in and i started playing everything i could think of. when we got back form her dads we picked out a load of movies and watched them all, we didn't get to bed till 6:30ish the next morning. the next day we where so tired that we slept in the whole day (practically) but it was an awesome time and i am hoping to go back down soon as since we slept most of the day on Sunday i didn't get to see much of the surrounding area so next time i go down i'll be getting to sleep earlier so get up quick enough. i would have come back on Monday instead of Sunday so that i could have seen everything but i had Emily's house keys and needs to get back to give them to her as she came back on Sunday also.
Me and Emily went to a new place earlier on called the Wokstop for some noodles and they where so nice, we said that we would be going there again. better yet they are hoping to start a delivery service soon so we wont even have to leave the house :)
thats it really for last week, things should be back to normal with the posting this week so i will be posting on Sunday as i dont have anything on the weekend so i'll be here to post.
i'll talk to you all soon and i hope that you comment on my DC3 work as i would love to know what you all think.
buy for now guys and gals.
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