to sit here and list all the things that i feel Barack will change would take some time so i wont, but i would like to say when it comes to everyone reading this and is able to vote please please make the right choice and vote Barack.
one other thing i would REALLY like to touch on are the commercials for Vote Yes on Prop 8, i beg of everyone who is able to, not to vote Yes on prop 8, please vote NO. Everyone has the right to marriage no matter if its Man + Man, Woman + Woman or Man + Woman. You may thing im saying this because im gay myself but im not, (if you have been reading these blogs before you will see that i have a loving girlfriend) i just feel that everyone should get married. and to anyone who had anything to do with the vote yes commercials i would just lies to say you have crossed the line by using children in your ads as the American education system does not state that they have to teach about same sex marriage to children in schools.
please understand that this is just my option (apart from the Prop 8 information, that is fact) please vote on what you feel you should vote on, but before you do please really think about what you are doing, and please please please stop thinking about the lies that news stories have been pipping out as Barack is not a terrorist, he wont be getting elected then putting on a turban, America wont be full of terrorist if elected, he is not a secret terrorist and he is not a member of Alkieda.
anyway thats all im going to be saying for now on the subject but please think about voting for Barack before voting for McCain as its going to help America a lot more.
(not that your going to need it)

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