well this is my final render for the august 11SecondClub Comp, i know its not great but this is the best i can do right know with the knowledge i have at the moment in animation, to improve what i know im going to not do next months and just sit and learn everything i can before i go back to university.
Thank you to my loving girlfriend Emily who sat and with me and went through the different kinds of bones so that i could understand them, and all the people at 11SC and everyone who i have contacted :)
well i hope you like it and please feel free to leave any comments you have on it.
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Congrats on finishing. That is a big thing of winning or not in a competition. I hope you learned a lot by entering. From the some of your animation that I have seen or your myspace this is some of your better animation. Here are a few suggestions if you decide to clean up on this animation and for future animations:
- The body is too stiff. Even when in a sitting position you should be able to see a noticeable C or S-curve shape of the body. Go on to youtube and you will notice and look up loony tunes. You will notice as the characters act their bodies constantly switch for C to S curves about 70% of the time. You will also notice that all movement is over or under emphasized.
- The face seems too stiff, I like that you added eyebrow movement but you have not enough squashing and stretching of the cheeks. Now that may be due to the character rig or minimal use of the facial rig, I haven't used the rig that much.
- I said it before but I will say it again. Before you animate try acting it out in person either in front of a mirror but if you can in front of a camera it will be more effective. Get into a cartoon like mind and become the character you are going to act. If you have time before school starts and if you have any money I would suggest take an acting class or two they will really help. If you watch a lot of behind the scenes footage of animated films you will notice a lot of the time that the animators will act out the scene over and over again to get into the mind of the character.
- HERE IS A LINK to one of my animator friends who works at Nerdcorps. These animations are old but they should be able to show you a student quality that you should try to surpass before you are done school.
- Try to copy professional's animations. Like a lot of things in life you learn by observation and trying to do what you see. Take 10 seconds of animation that you like and do your best to recreate it with a different character. Ex: Scrat from Ice Age is a great character to try.
- Animate, animate, animate. Breath, dream, eat, sleep animation and you will do great.
Keep it up. Hope to see more.
Thank you for all the comments dude, they mean i lot to me really they do.
i've looked at the loony tunes stuff and i can see what you mean, i should have known this probably but as i said before the University im at doesn't teach you that much sadly. but im getting there thanks you friends, students, my girlfriend and you, thank you all.
i tried my best with the face, i can see what you mean about it being stiff but i think that has to do with the rig,i looked at everything on that rig and i can't see anything that would make the cheeks squash or stretch, if you know of anyway or come across one if you revisit that rig at any time please keep me posted.
You'll be happy to know that i will be purchasing a DV cam when my student loans and grants come through from the University in about 3 weeks, so i should be able to create more believable characters, with a little luck and a lot of practice.
at the moment i don't know what time my lessons run or how much money i will have left after buying everything i need for University this year, but if i can afford it and i have time i will try and find a local acting class. (thanx for th advice)
i just had a look at your friends blog and i hope that i will finish this year with something like that or even better. i'm also going to do what you said and try animating Scrat and see if i can recreate what they have made with Eric or MoonXSI rig.
as for the plan or action at the bottom i might have to add another little bit or i wont be around much longer lol
Animate, animate, animate, breath, see girlfriend, dream, eat, sleep, animate.
that way i get it right and i don't get parts of my cut off while i sleep :)
once again thank you so much for looking over my work and giving your advice it means so much to me really it does.
i'll be posting some Personal Work up soon so keep your eyes pealed or better yet just subscribe to the RSS feed and it will let you know when i've updated.
talk to you soon, thank you again.
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